We have currently got requirement to supply Low temperature Oxygen analysers for various project sites. In this connection, complete tender document is attached for your kind reference in submitting valuable Offer.
Also note that the press notification of the tender is published in leading news papers in India namely "The Hindu" & "Business Line" on 16.05.2018. You may also visit websites: www.bhel.com /tenders notification and https://eprocure.gov.in. Note that there is no charges for downloading/submitting the tender documents.
In this regard,kindly submit your quotation as three-part bid (Pre-Qualification Criteria-1st part,Techno-Commercial bid-2nd Part & Price bid-3rd part) in sealed envelopes so as to reach us within the DUE- DATE of 08.06.2018 before 13:00 hours IST and note that tenders will be opened on the same day at 13:30 hours IST.
Note: Any clarifications on PQC / technical / commercial grounds may be asked much before due date & get it clarified well before submission of bi