'India for Humanity' was formally launched by Smt. Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister, in a ceremony in New Delhi on 9 October 2018 attended by resident Heads of Mission and other members of the diplomatic corps, media and senior officers of the Government of India.
'As part of 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi being held over the next one year, the Ministry of External Affairs has launched the 'India for Humanity' initiative in honour of his service to humanity. With its focus on Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of compassion, caring and service to humanity, ‘India for Humanity’ features a year long series of artificial limb fitment camps in a number of countries spanning the globe, for which the Ministry is collaborating with the renowned charitable organization "Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti" (BMVSS). Founded in 1975 and better known by its trademark limb "Jaipur Foot”, BMVSS is among the world’s largest organisations for the fitment of artificial limbs and till date has served over 1.73 million amputees.
The limb fitment camps, which aim to provide for the physical, economic and social rehabilitation of the differently-abled around the world by helping them regain their mobility and dignity to become self-respecting and productive members of the society, will be fully sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs.
New DelhiOctober 09, 2018