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The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk

June 20, 2018

The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk
The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk
The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk
The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk
The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk
The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the city of Yakutsk

Генеральное консульство Индии во Владивостоке при поддержке компании "Рослек", школы традиционной йоги "Джива-шакти" и министерства спорта Республики Саха(Якутия) в г. Якутск на главном стадионе республики "Туймаада" организовало мастер-класс по йоге в преддверии Международного дня йоги 2018.

The Consulate General of India in Vladivostok, with the support of the Roslek Company, the Jiva-Shakti School of Traditional Yoga and the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) organized a yoga master class on the eve of the International Yoga Day 2018 in the main stadium "Tuymaada" 

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