On June 23 in Magadan at the City stadium an open training was held to celebrate the International Day of Yoga supported by the Consulate General of India, Vladivostok. The event was organised according to the Common Yoga Protocol which was developed by the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India with beginners and experienced yogis performing Mountain (Tadasana), Tree (Vrikshasana), War (Virabhadrasana), Half-Frog (Ardha Bhekasana) , Bound Angle (Baddha Konasana) and Corpse (Shavasana) etc. poses from the Common Yoga Protocol. On June 30th, led by Ms. Snezhanna (ITEC graduate) in Magadan(on the stage of the park "Dyukcha") another event dedicated to the celebration of the 10th International Day of Yoga took place. The participants of the event included beginners to yoga enthusiasts. They were introduced to different yoga practices and breathing exercises. The winners and participants of the photography contest, who were selected jointly with the Consulate General of India in Vladivostok, were also awarded.