Events/Photo Gallery

Consul General visited the new KGK diamond factory in Vladivostok

March 22, 2018

Consul General visited the new KGK diamond factory in Vladivostok
Consul General visited the new KGK diamond factory in Vladivostok
Consul General visited the new KGK diamond factory in Vladivostok
Consul General of India in Vladivostok held a meeting with Mr. Vithal Ramani, general director of KGK Group and visited the new KGK diamond factory in Vladivostok. Issues related to areas of mutual cooperation were discussed.

Генеральный консул Индии во Владивостоке провел встречу с г-ном Виталом Рамани, генеральным директором KGK Group, и посетил новую алмазную фабрику KGK во Владивостоке. Обсуждались вопросы, касающиеся областей взаимного сотрудничества.
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