Events/Photo Gallery

Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail "Touch the North" devoted to the Day of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia)

April 27, 2018

Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail
Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail
Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail
Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail
Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail
Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail
Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail

Consul General Mr. Shubham Kumar participated in the opening of the art exhibition of the Yakutian artist Starostin Mikhail "Touch the North" devoted to the Day of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia) organized by The Permanent Representatives Office of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia).

Генеральный консул Шубхам Кумар принял участие в открытии художественной выставки якутского художника Старостина Михаила «Прикосновение Севера», посвященного Дню Республики Саха (Якутия), организованному Постоянным представительством Республики Саха (Якутия) во Владивостоке.

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