Events/Photo Gallery

78th Independence Day Celebrations of India in Bolshoi Kamen

August 15, 2024

78th Independence Day Celebrations of India in Bolshoi Kamen
78th Independence Day Celebrations of India in Bolshoi Kamen
78th Independence Day Celebrations of India in Bolshoi Kamen
On 15th August, Consul General visited Bolshoi Kamen and met with Mr. Sergei Tseluiko, General Director of the Zvezda shipbuilding complex. They planted trees under the #एक_पेड़_माँ_के_नाम #plant4mother campaign celebrating 78th Independence Day of India and It was supported by Indian company Krasny Defence Technologies Limited. Consul General visited the upcoming training centre of Zvezda shipbuilding complex and celebrated Independence Day with the employees of Krasny Defence Technologies Limited.

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