Simplified Business Visa Arrangement Between India and Russia

1.     Under the Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of the Russian Federation on simplification of requirements for mutual travels of certain category of citizens of the two countries dated December 21, 2010 and pursuant to the India-Russia consultations on visa/consular matters which took place in Moscow on October 10, 2013, and the Protocol signed between the two governments on 24th December2015,amending the Agreement of December 21, 2010, it will be sufficient for business travelers from Russia to submit written invitations from the host legal entity company, organization, enterprise, institution or their branch offices, public or local authorities of the State of the other Party, organizing committees of commerce and industry exhibitions, conferences and workshops held in the territory of the India as justification for the purpose of travel .

2.     The invitations should contain the following information Persons– name and surname, date of birth, sex, nationality, number and type of the identity document, dates and purpose of the travel, number of entries, names and dates of birth of minor children accompanying the invited person if any and for the inviting organizations – full name and legal and actual address, name, surname and position of the person who signs the invitation, and his/her telephone number.

3.     Scanned/emailed/faxed copies of the invitation will be accepted by the Indian Embassy/Consulates. Such business visas will be processed in 3 working days for a single or double entry, while multiple entry visas will be issued within 10 working days from the date of the receipt of the application and document received for issuing the visa. Multiple entry business visas valid upto 1 year will be issued to businessmen of both countries provided they had obtained and used at least one visa during the previous year. Besides, multiple entry visas with 5-year validity will be issued if during the previous 2 years a one year multiple entry visas were used and there are reasons for requesting a long-term multiple entry visas. The business travelers shall be issued multiple entry visas to India for a period not exceeding 90 days per each period of 180 days.

4.     Russian business chambers/businessmen are invited to utilize this simplified arrangement for obtaining business visas to India.

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