Consular-General Information

(a) Important Russian Rules

All visitors to Russia need to be aware of the rules governing entry, stay and exit of foreigners in force in the country. While rules governing issue and extension of visas are also disseminated on respective websites of the Russian Embassies/Consulates; they are also avalable on the link below:

Specifically, if a foreigner intends to engage in remunerative employment or seek a job permit, the rules governing this including procedure to be adopted while arriving (filling up of migration card etc) and immediately upon entering (registering with the office of Federal Migration Service) and other details are available at the following link:

Importantly, all visitors need to register themselves with the office of the Federal Migration Service. This applies to all kinds of vistors including tourists. While, normally the concerned hotel where the tourist is put up automatically does the registration for the guest, it is worthwhile to double check from the hotel that it has indeed done so for the visitor. For other types of visitors the 'host party' or 'inviting party' is responsible for the registration. Detailed rules regarding the same are available at the following link:

It is important that all visitors comply with the relevant regulations for foreigners, particularly that of registration as otherwise the visitor is likely to face difficulties at the time of departure.

(b) Guidlines regarding foreign nationals intending to visit India for commissioning surrogacy

Instructions relating to foreign nationals intending to visit India for commissioning surrogacy

  1. Detailed guidelines regarding grant of visa to foreign nationals intending to visit India for commissioning surrogacy were issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 9th July, 2012. A copy of these guidelines is attached.
  2. Subsequently, in respect of cases where the baby has already been born through commissioning of surrogacy or the birth of the baby was expected shortly, certain relaxations were allowed up to 31.10.2013.
  3. The MHA guidelines of th July, 2012 have been widely circulated to all Indian Missions and Clinics through the Ministry of External Affairs, ICMR/ Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Bureau of Immigration. This has also been placed on the MHA website
  4. This is to inform that w.e.f. 1.11.2013, the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 9th July 2012 would be strictly followed, including in all cases where surrogacy has already been commissioned prior to 1.11.2013, and there shall be no further relaxation in the conditions to be fulfilled for grant of Medical Visa/ exit permission, etc.

Dated : 11th October, 2013

Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs vide letter no. 25022/74/2011-F.I dated 9th July 2012 regarding foreign nationals intending to visit India for commissioning surrogacy

  1. It has come to the notice of this Ministry that some foreign nationals are visiting India on Tourist Visa for commissioning surrogacy. This is not the appropriate visa category and such foreigners will be liable for action for violation of visa conditions. The appropriate visa category will be a medical visa. It will also be necessary in such cases to ensure that the surrogate mother is not cheated. Therefore, such a visa may only be granted if the following conditions are fulfilled:-
  1. The foreign man and woman are duly married and the marriage should have sustained at least for two years.
  2. A letter from the Embassy of the foreign country in India or the Foreign Ministry of the country should be enclosed with the Visa application stating clearly that (a) the country recognises surrogacy and (b) the child/ children to be born to the commissioning couple through the Indian surrogate mother will be permitted entry into their country as a biological child/ children of the couple commissioning surrogacy.
  3. The couple will furnish an undertaking that they would take care of the child/ children born through surrogacy.
  4. The treatment should be done only at one of the registered ART clinics recognised by ICMR (The list of such clinics will be shared with MEA from time to time).
  5. The couple should produce a duly notarised agreement between the applicant couple and the prospective Indian surrogate mother.
  1. If any of the above conditions are not fulfilled, the visa application shall be rejected.
  2. Before the grant of visa, the foreign couple need to be told that before leaving India for their return journey, ‘exit’ permission from the FRRO/FRO would be required. Before granting ‘exit’, the FRRO/ FRO will see whether the foreign couple is carrying a certificate from the ART clinic concerned regarding the fact that the child/ children have been duly taken custody of by the foreigner and that the liabilities towards the Indian surrogate mother have been fully discharged as per the agreement. A copy of the birth certificate(s) of the surrogate child/ children will be retained by the FRRO/ FRO along with photocopies of the passport and visa of the foreign parents.
  3. It may be noted that for drawing up and executing the agreement cited at para 1 (v) above, the foreign couple can be permitted to visit India on a reconnaissance trip on Tourist Visa, but no samples may be given to any clinic during such preliminary visit.

(c) Guidlines for Enrolment of Overseas Electors

Under Section -20A of the Representation of the People Act, 1950, every overseas elector of India (after fulfilling certain criteria) is entitled to have his/her name registered in the electoral roll of his/her constituency w.e.f. 10th February 2011. The prescribed application, i.e. Form-6A for registration in the Electoral Roll along with guidelines for the applicants is available on the website of the Election Commission of India (ECI) i.e. . Necessary instructions containing guidelines can also be accessed below:

General Guidlines For Enrolment of Overseas Electors

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