About Us Activities of the S&T Wing

The S&T wing of the Indian Embassy at Moscow is involved in:

1. Assessment and evaluation of S&T strengths in Russia;

2. Promotion of interaction and building partnership of Indian scientific agencies and R&D personnel with their counterparts in Russia on themes of mutual interest and benefit;

3. Facilitating formulation and signing of bilateral and multilateral S&T agreements/arrangements;

4. Promotion of bilateral, regional and multi-lateral cooperation in S&T through specific Programs of Cooperation (POC);

5. Establishment of Bi-national / multinational S&T centers and implementation of major R&D programs;

6. Assist in developing Joint R&D projects/centers;

7. Provide necessary input for organizing Joint Workshops/symposia/seminars;

8. Coordinating Exploratory visits and Project related Exchange visits of Scientists;

9. Facilitating exchange of S&T information and documentation;

10. Facilitating access to Major Research and Infrastructural facilities;

11. Facilitating fellowships/Short duration training programs;

12. Encouraging others forms of cooperation as agreed mutually.


More details regarding the existing programmes you may kindly contact:

Dr. Abhishek Vaish, Counsellor (Science & Technology)

Science & Technology Wing

Embassy of India in Moscow,

Address: Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole 9/3

Email: snt[dot]moscow[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel/Fax: +7(495)916-02-97.